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    Abstract Starting from the idea that social reality, including the educational reality, is the result of a permanent process of construction and reconstruction of meanings and practices, the study aims to explore the relationship between the teacher`s social representations of the child and socio-emotional development in the second childhood. Investigating these social representations, we can better understand teacher`s professional practice and perhaps even anticipate the course of child development on whom teacher actions are reflected. The study general hypothesis was: the content and structure of educator`s social representations of a child (CSR), influence the development of socio-emotional skills of preschool children by supporting the occurrence of teacher-child interaction of "emotional…

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    Along the years Romanian school has remained committed to paying considerate attention to the formative role of helping our students to exceed grade level standards. Yet Romanian education system should also have a role that is far more important that the academic one: nurturing ouru students, helping them to become considerate, responsible, self-respecting future adults. In order to assure this, we need to help them since early years to develop self-esteem. The present paper explores teachers’ role in supporting young learners to develop healthy self-esteem. Therefore, our study will envision the introduction of a special optional class within language and communication classes meant to develop self-esteem among other interpersonal communication…

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    Along the years Romanian school has remained committed to paying considerate attention to the formative role of helping our students to exceed grade level standards. Yet Romanian education system should also have a role that is far more important that the academic one: nurturing ouru students, helping them to become considerate, responsible, self-respecting future adults. In order to assure this, we need to help them since early years to develop self-esteem. The present paper explores teachers’ role in supporting young learners to develop healthy self-esteem. Therefore, our study will envision the introduction of a special optional class within language and communication classes meant to develop self-esteem among other interpersonal communication…

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    The role of interactive methods in the development of primary children’s creativity

    Ph.D. Claudia VLAICU , PhD. Ramona NEACSA , Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Education, Valahia University of Târgovişte ROMANIA ABSTRACT Primary children’s education requires from educators the use of a wide range of methods. The more creative the personality and methods of education of teachers, the more creative classes become. The present paper is a theoretical approach intended to emphasize the role of interactive teaching methods in the development of creative thinking of primary pupils. There is a theoretical part, presenting the inventory of the most efficient methods, a methodological part, with the specific aspects of each method when applied and an analytical part, encompassing the SWOT analysis of…

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    Co-dependency in intimate relationship-a learned behaviour

    The present paper is structured as a theoretical article, explaining the paradigm codependency in intimate relationship, analysing the symptoms of co-dependency andsuggesting cognitive-behaviour therapeutic ways of healing from co-dependency.The psychological premise of this approach is that co-dependency is a learnedbehaviour. The early life scenarios of co-dependents encompass actions of ourparents displaying problems with boundaries, and unhealthy ways to communicate,so the most likely learned these behaviours and brought them into their intimaterelationships. Children who grow up with emotionally unavailable parents also areat risk for being co-dependent. They often find themselves in relationships wheretheir partner is emotionally unavailable, yet they stay in the hopes that they canchange the person. The list of…

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    Imago Therapy and Orthodox Therapy on Couples and Marriage

    The present paper presents a theoretical scientific approach of therapy for couples, basically focused ontwo therapeutic orientations with subsequent similarities and differences; on the one hand, Imago therapy,which is mainly a therapy for couples experiencing emotional disconnection and orthodox therapy forcouples, which is mainly included in a priest’s task insuring the balance and equilibrium for couplesexperiencing a marriage crisis. The psychological premise of this theoretical paper is that surrender ofillusions and fears in fellowship with others is at the core of life. The background principle of thisapproach is that Imago Therapy may be a natural adjunct of couples’ spiritual beliefs and theircommitment to helping each other achieve fulfilment in their…

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    Key Principles for Designing Effective Learning Environments

    Author(s): Claudia VlaicuSubject(s): EducationPublished by: Editura Pro UniversitariaKeywords: pedagogical theory; teaching and learning experience; effective learning; learning environment. Summary/Abstract: Teaching and learning methodologies have always been a challenge for many education researchers and their teaching experiences have urged them to look for new ways of designing effective learning environments. Recent research findings on the factors encompassed by the learning process and on brain working theories are stimulating a re-examination of traditional principles of designing teaching and learning experiences. This paper is intended to help teachers and educators to improve their teaching and learning methodologies in working with students. Precisely, the principles presented here are not only meant to deepen our understanding of traditional core learning…

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    Supporting Adolescent Identity Development through Personal Narratives

    Narrative Development in Adolescence is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, and educators interested in studying developmental, clinical and school psychology. The need to establish a narrative self reaches an important peak during adolescence. This is the time when an adolescent tries to understand life events and establish their self-identity. The article is intended to examine narrative development during adolescence and argue for the importance of creating the narrative self; the study focuses on both stable and at-risk adolescents as they construct, organize, and tell their life stories and link them to larger developmental contexts as they grow to maturity. The study emphasizes the persuasive and emphatic function of literature.…

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    Cele zece porunci ale omului destinat să fie bun

    Lucrarea de faţă îşi propune, mai întîi de toate, să răspundă întrebării legate de necesitatea aflării “sensului” existenţei, plecând de la premisa că momentul istoric în care omul îşi înţelege destinul este acela în care fiinţa i se dezvăluie în adevărata ei istoricitate. Pentru spiritele cele mai avertizate la ora actuală în filosofie ne găsim într-o mişcare de depăşire a metafizicii. Posibilităţile incluse în judecăţile sintetice a priori au îngăduit filosofiei să evolueze pe o a doua cale de cercetare, cale ce a cunoscut deplina înflorire atunci cînd Hegel a formulat în a sa Ştiinţă a logicii principiul contradicţiei ca factor pozitiv la dialecticii spiritului. În Logica lui Hegel accentul…

    Comentariile sunt închise pentru Cele zece porunci ale omului destinat să fie bun