The role of interactive methods in the development of primary children’s creativity
Ph.D. Claudia VLAICU , PhD. Ramona NEACSA , Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Education, Valahia University of Târgovişte ROMANIA
Primary children’s education requires from educators the use of a wide range of methods. The more creative the personality and methods of education of teachers, the more creative classes become. The present paper is a theoretical approach intended to emphasize the role of interactive teaching methods in the development of creative thinking of primary pupils. There is a theoretical part, presenting the inventory of the most efficient methods, a methodological part, with the specific aspects of each method when applied and an analytical part, encompassing the SWOT analysis of each, as well as obstacles that teachers may encounter when using them in class. The conclusions will envision the psychological and methodological implications of using such methods that develop the creativity of primary children. A special attention is paid to the experiential domains each method is applied mostly to and to the way primary teachers should develop their own creative style of teaching. Several directions of teaching research methodology shall be drawn in relation to this topic.,neacsa.pdf